Today's admission times: from 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Today's admission times: from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Today's admission times: from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Today's admission times: from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Today's admission times: from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Today's admission times: from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Today's admission times: from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

This website and its offers are aimed exclusively at museum visitors in Germany, so that the texts, freely translated into English, serve as an aid.
Visitor regulations
Visitor regulations
01. | With the purchase of the entrance ticket the visitor acknowledges these Rules for Visitors of U-Bootmuseum Hamburg GmbH without reservation. |
02. | Entry to structures and inspection of the submarine is expressly at the own risk of the visitors. CAUTION: Visitors should take care of the low room height and of projecting metal parts, steps, hatches, bulkheads and supply lines. There is an increased danger of slipping and stumbling throughout the submarine especially for visitors wearing high heels and wide clothes. |
03. | Because of the confined interior of the submarine an inspection is not recommended for persons with physical handicaps or tending to claustrophobia. Because of the technical conditions it is not possible for wheelchair users to inspect the boat. |
04. | Children aged below ten are allowed to enter the submarine only when accompanied by adults. |
05. | Visitors are allowed to stay on the submarine only in the areas marked as open to them. It is strictly prohibited to enter areas not open to the public. Trespassing will exempt us from any liability. |
06. | For reasons of visitor safety it is allowed to tour the submarine only by following the direction signs. |
07. | Smoking is not allowed throughout the submarine. It is strictly prohibited for visitors to consume food and drinks of any kind brought along by them. |
08. | It is prohibited for visitors to take along animals, tools, bulky objects and big bags. These should be deposited outside of the submarine at the visitors’ own risk. The museum operator shall not be under any liability for storage and care. |
09. | The submarine is video-monitored in the interest of your safety. Any theft, damage to property or other act of vandalism of the submarine and its equipment will be reported to the police and put the offender under the obligation of compensation to the full amount of the damage. |
10. | The entrance ticket shall entitle its owner to enter the submarine once for the period of 60 minutes. It shall not be transferable to other persons and become invalid upon leaving the submarine but after 60 minutes at the latest. Please note that for reasons of safety not more than 80 persons are allowed to stay in the submarine at the same time. |
11. | In case of an average, alarm or other operational breakdown visitors should keep calm and follow the loudspeaker announcements and instructions of the personnel. In such situations visitors should leave the submarine as quickly as possible along the marked escape routes through the bow and stern exits. |
12. | In the case of slight negligence we shall hold ourselves liable only for personal injury and physical damage to an amount of maximum € 2,000,000.-- and for financial loss only to an amount of maximum € 5,000.--. Persons violating the safety provisions of these Rules for Visitors shall not be entitled to any compensation for damages. Our liability in the case of intent and gross negligence shall not be affected thereby. |
13. | Wes hall not be liable for third-party damages. |
14. | Photographing and video recording shall be allowed on purchasing a permit and for private use only. |
15. | Place of jurisdiction for any disputes arising from the contractual relationship shall be Hamburg. The terms and conditions of the contract shall be subject to German law. |
16. | Should one or several provisions become invalid for any reason the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby. |
Information: | This is a free translation into English. You can find the binding original version in German here. |